How Breast Reduction Surgery Can Transform Your Life

“Doctor, you don’t know what you have done for me…I can never thank you enough!!” These were the words on a card sent to me by a young girl in her twenties who underwent breast reduction in spite of tremendous resistance from her parents. The surgery gave her a more proportionate outwardly appearance but what really made the difference was how she started perceiving her body. Suddenly there was a spring in her step and all her old loose fitting clothes made way for a new and revamped stylish wardrobe. Her self-confidence was now evident in the way she conducted and carried herself. It made her more outgoing and sociable and suddenly this shy, diffident girl was transformed into a lively, assertive and exuberant person with a newfound energy for life.

That then is the power of this life changing surgery!!

(See the cards sent by this patient and her mother at the end of this blog for a glimpse into the impact this surgery can have)

Breast size and shape is an important feature in the overall appearance of a woman. If the breast size is too large, it causes immense discomfort to the individual, both physical and emotional. A simple solution for this problem is reduction mammoplasty or breast reduction surgery.

Living with Large Breasts: Common Discomforts and Challenges

Many women with macromastia (large breasts) experience a range of physical and emotional challenges that can significantly impact their daily lives. Here’s a closer look at some of the most common issues:

  • Constant pain in the neck, back and shoulders
  • Painful grooving in shoulders due to pressure of bra straps
  • Poor posture leading to hunching of the spine and pain in knees
  • Inability to perform high impact aerobic activity like dancing and jogging due to the excess weight on the chest
  • Chronic rash or skin irritation beneath the breasts
  • Difficulty in finding the right size bras and well fitting clothes. This can make women fearful of going to malls and shopping for clothes
  • Sometimes there may be difficulty in sleeping flat due to the weight of the breasts causing breathing issues in the reclining posture
  • Social embarrassment in young girls
  • Above all it creates a huge dent in the self confidence of the person, in extreme cases even leading to depression.

Surgery can help relieve a patient of all these symptoms and needless to say, this is an extremely gratifying procedure.

Additionally, a recent study has thrown up an interesting observation that breast cancer in large breasted women is usually in an advanced stage at the time of presentation. This could be because it is difficult to detect the presence of lumps in large breasts, hence diagnosis of breast cancer in such women may get delayed till it reaches a late stage. This is emerging to be an important reason for undergoing surgical reduction of macromastia.

Read About Breast Reduction Surgery in Visakhapatnam

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What does the surgery entail?

There is no “one size fits all” formula in breast reduction. Every patient merits a procedure that will be customized as per her body type in order to give her the best possible overall result. In most cases, this surgery is planned such that the nipple is carried upwards on a strip of breast tissue, hence in addition to a reduction, the breast also gets lifted giving it a more youthful appearance.

For very large breasts, a special technique called a free nipple graft might be necessary. This involves carefully removing the nipple and some surrounding tissue, then reattaching it in its new position on the breast.

In rare cases, liposuction alone might be enough to achieve the desired results, especially if you have good skin tone and only need a modest reduction.

The requirements of this surgery in a film celebrity will obviously be different from what an active athletic sportswoman expects. So also a housewife and mother of two would have her own expectations from this surgery depending on her lifestyle. Needless to say, it is imperative that the patient has a detailed discussion with her surgeon regarding the type of procedure that would suit her body and meet her expectations. This brings us to the first and the most important step…

Before You Decide: Choosing Your Surgeon

This is a big decision! If you’re considering breast reduction surgery, the most important step is choosing the right surgeon. They should be a qualified plastic surgeon with the experience and skill to reshape your breasts safely and beautifully.

Only a qualified plastic surgeon will be able to perform this delicate surgery with the finesse and skill it takes to reshape such an important part of your body.

Preparing for Your Surgery

Before surgery day arrives, there are a few things to take care of:

  • Mammogram: This X-ray picture checks for any lumps or abnormalities in your breasts.
  • Medications: Blood thinners and herbal supplements can affect bleeding during surgery, so you’ll need to stop taking them at least a week beforehand.
  • Smoking Cessation: Smoking can slow healing, so quitting at least 2 weeks before surgery is important.
  • Blood Tests: These simple tests check your overall health and ensure you’re safe for anesthesia.
  • Consultation: During your consultation, discuss your expectations and desired outcomes with your surgeon. This open communication will help ensure you’re both on the same page about the goals of the surgery.

Planning Your Surgery

Your consultation is also where you’ll get a detailed picture of what to expect during the procedure itself. The surgeon will:

  • Take pictures of your breasts to assess them for any asymmetries in size, shape and nipple position (don’t worry, these won’t show your face, your identity will be confidential).
  • Measure your breasts and mark the planned incision lines.
  • Discuss the specific procedure based on your unique anatomy, including breast size, shape, skin quality, and nipple position. This will be done while you’re sitting upright, as things can appear different when lying down.
  • Talk about any asymmetry (unevenness) in your breasts.
  • Discuss scar placement and what to expect in terms of healing and recovery.

The Surgery

Breast reduction surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, where you’ll be completely asleep. In some cases, your surgeon might discuss the option of local anesthesia with sedation. For larger breasts, temporary drains might be placed to remove excess fluids, typically removed after a few days. Liposuction might be used on the sides of your breasts to help refine the shape. After surgery, you’ll be comfortably bandaged.

See the Life-Changing Results of Breast Reduction Surgery

Breast Reduction - Case 1

Breast Reduction - Case 1

Breast Reduction - Case 2

Breast Reduction - Case 2

Breast Reduction - Case 3

Breast Reduction - Case 3

Imagine feeling comfortable and confident in your clothes again. Witness the transformative before-and-after photos of real women in Visakhapatnam who have undergone breast reduction surgery. See how this procedure has helped them achieve a more proportionate figure and a renewed sense of self-esteem

View All Before-Afters

Postoperative Care

You may be discharged either the same day or the next day.

  • You should start walking around on the evening of the surgery; this will help to reduce chances of blood clots or lung infection.
  • You will need to drink a lot of fluids for the first 48 hours after the surgery and have a healthy nutritious diet. This will ensure early wound healing.
  • You will need to wear a surgical bra in the immediate postoperative period for at least 4-6 weeks. This will reduce the pain due to the liposuction and also support the newly remodeled breast.
  • You may gradually start moderate activity as per your pain tolerance. You may resume your job after a week to 10 days depending on your kind of work. You may resume driving after 2 weeks or after you get full range of movement in your shoulders and arms. Avoid lifting heavy weights for at least 4 weeks post surgery.

Wound Care

  • Your surgeon will want to check your wound at regular intervals for the first 2 weeks.
  • You will be able to shower after 3-4 days as advised by your surgeon after she sees your wound and drain tubes if placed are out.
  • Stitches will be removed after 7-10 days.
  • After 6 weeks you may start wearing a sports bra but avoid wearing underwire bras until it is allowed by your surgeon.

The Recovery

Typically it takes about 3 months for the breasts to settle in their final shape. You may have altered sensation or lack of sensation in your nipple, which eventually settles in 4-6 weeks time. There may be slight bruising of the skin, which also reduces over time. The scars may be slightly itchy in the initial weeks following the surgery, this is part and parcel of the healing process and is absolutely normal. The scars will fade gradually but will not completely vanish. They can be substantially reduced later with lasers if you so wish.

Breastfeeding After Reduction Mammoplasty

Many women who are considering breast reduction surgery may also wonder how it might affect their plans for future pregnancies and breastfeeding. Here’s what you need to know:


The good news is that breast reduction surgery typically does not interfere with a woman’s ability to get pregnant and carry a healthy pregnancy to term. Your breasts will still be able to produce the hormones necessary for reproduction.


Breastfeeding after breast reduction is possible in most cases, though it’s important to manage expectations. The amount of milk produced may vary depending on the specifics of your surgery, such as the incision sites and amount of tissue removed. Generally, the less tissue removed, the less impact there will be on milk production.

Here are some additional factors to consider:

  • Nipple sensation: Changes in nipple sensation are common after surgery, but this usually improves over time. A lactation consultant can help you develop breastfeeding techniques that work for you, regardless of any lingering numbness.
  • Milk ducts: While some milk ducts may be severed during surgery, new pathways can sometimes form over time. This means your body may still be able to produce a sufficient milk supply.

The Importance of Consultation

If you’re planning to get pregnant and breastfeed after breast reduction surgery, it’s important to discuss this openly with your surgeon during your consultation. They can assess your individual situation and advise you on the likelihood of successful breastfeeding after surgery. Additionally, consulting with a lactation consultant before or after delivery can be extremely helpful in establishing a successful breastfeeding routine.

Remember, every woman’s body is unique, and your experience may differ. By openly discussing your goals with your surgeon and a lactation consultant, you can make informed decisions about your health and your future family.

Patient's Thankyou Note

Patient's Thankyou Note

Patient's Thankyou Note

Patient's Thankyou Note

Breast reduction is a life changing surgery for women with macromastia. This is one miracle cosmetic procedure, which has probably the highest satisfaction rate in patients. It gives a tremendous boost to the self esteem and body image of the woman which in turn goes a long way in improving her quality of life and allowing her the freedom to do activities she could earlier only dream of! So if you also dream of wings, this is one surgery that promises to give you a pair… and a smile too. Get ready to fly as high as your imagination takes you…with fetters no more.

Dr. Anjali Saple
Dr. Anjali Saple

Why should you select Dr. Anjali Saple?

Dr. Anjali Saple is a plastic surgeon in Visakhapatnam who has been in this field for over 25 years. She is a plastic and cosmetic surgeon who aspires to bring out the best in her patients. Dr. Anjali believes in unmasking the inner beauty of an individual. So, before a treatment is recommended to a patient, he or she is examined as a whole. With her passion for plastic surgery and a keen eye for aesthetics, Dr. Anjali Saple strives to give her patients the best possible results.

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